To feel. That is the purpose of life...


e o que se faz em noites de insónia? lê-se. lê-se muito. procura-se inspiração. tenta-se acalmar coração. tenta-se calar as preocupações. refrear a pressa em querer saber o que vem a seguir. se o caminho é o certo. se vai ficar tudo bem no fim. a verdade inevitável é o que tempo passa completamente indiferente ás nossas vontades em querer parar ou acelerar o seu compasso.
nas (raras) vezes que olho para trás parece que já vivi tantas vidas. e há momentos (poucos) que me permito perguntar como cheguei aqui. onde estou. com tanta coisa boa, mas muito, muito longe do que imaginei. podemos controlar o nosso caminho de certa maneira. mas muito desse controlo vem também da forma como escolhemos reagir perante o que nos acontece e que foge ao nosso controlo.
como sei que nada acontece por acaso, encontrei este texto que descreve de forma tão crua e tão bem o que gostava eu de escrever. é o espelho do que vai cá dentro. e a prova que todos temos histórias-espelho uns com os outros. seja a historia da rapariga do outro lado da rua, ou a da rapariga do outro lado do mundo. neste caso da austrália.
ainda no rescaldo do filme-inspiração de ontem: uma lembrança de que os sonhos são para ser perseguidos e vividos.

e porque muito se perde na tradução:

"A hundred feelings, a hundred faces, a hundred places. I am living lifetimes inside single years. I am strong, powerful and brave. I am confused, alone and afraid. I am lost but I am finding myself. I have come so far but I still have so far to go.
I nurse my broken heart and broken dreams lightly, often forgetting they are there at all. I escape my past by embracing my present. When the dark quiet of night washes over the world nothing can distract me from my pain. But then the day comes and sets everything alight, reminding me of all there is to be grateful for. Everything is going to be okay, better than okay.
Sometimes in the middle of the night I will reach out for him and my hands will find no one. Sometimes I feel alone when I am surrounded by people because none of them truly understand me. Sometimes I am worried and I long for someone to hold me again and tell me they will take care of everything, that I don’t need to worry about a thing. But it is just me now and I have to be strong. There are times when my shoulders buckle under the weight but they don’t break. I’ve got this.
I look at him, remember studying his features with endless fascination, and I realise I see him through different eyes now. In some ways I can’t recognise him any longer. His arms no longer hold the safety they once did, his eyes no longer hold the affection. We are both different people now.
It’s strange how someone can be your world one day and almost a stranger another day. Some nights I would do anything to be back in our mountain home where I knew everything was going to work out, that our love was invincible and everlasting. In those moments it was, and the ending didn’t diminish its magic. But that chapter is long finished now, leaving space for new chapters to be written."

a Nirrimi é uma jovem fotógrafa da Austrália. as fotos delas são as minha preferidas. são lindas e reflete o talento dela. à parte disso tem um blog onde fala de forma candida e verdadeira da vida pessoal dela. é uma fonte de inspiração e ainda tão jovem.

podem segui-la aqui:


so what do you do in sleepless nights? you read. read a lot. look up for inspiration. try to calm down your heart. attempt to silence your worries. take down the rush to see what comes next. if the path is right. if it will be all right in the end. the inevitable truth is that time goes by completely indifferent to our wishes in wanting to stop it or speed up it's pace.
in the (rare) moments that I look back it seems that I have lived so many lives. and there are times (few) that i allow myself to ask how I got here. where i am. with so many good things, but far, far away from where I thought i would be. we can control our path somehow. but much of the control is also the way we choose to react to what happens to us and that is beyond our control.
as I know that nothing happens by chance, I found this text that describes so graphically and so well what i would like to write. it is the mirror of what goes inside. and proves that we all have mirror stories of each other. whether is the story of the girl across the street, or the girl across the world. in this case from Australia.
in the aftermath of yesterday's inspiring film: a reminder that dreams are to be pursued and lived.

you can follow Nirrimi here:

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